
Susan originally moved to London from Norfolk, in the mid 70's and began her impressive career by immersing herself into the Islamic Art scene. At a young age, Susan became an art dealer with a specific focus on exporting Islamic Art and European artifacts for the Persian Art market. She sourced and shipped artworks to Tehran to sell to the The Court of the Shah of Iran and other noteworthy collectors. While working toward starting up her jewellery business, Susan continued to simultaneously buy and sell objets d'art and Islamic art through stalls at Portobello Market and in Camden Town.

In 1980 Susan founded Susan Walker Designs Ltd., which originally specialized in antique jewellery repair and provided restoration services for the antique jewellery trade. During that period, through her Hatton Garden contacts she became a diamond and coloured stone dealer and designer. She now incorporates both antique and bespoke jewellery design into her business. Susan’s love for antique jewellery stemmed from her experience of being an original stall holder at Greys Antique Market. She then built up more specialized experience within the antique trade by working alongside Art Deco, antique silver and jewellery dealers.

Susan continues working in restoration and design and precious stones, mainly concentrating on private commissions in a career that has now spanned nearly 40 years.